To redeem an item you like, you need to fulfill two PlayPointz requirements.

Firstly, you need to have the required amount of Pointz. Secondly, the item you like needs to be active.

 Items will be active only for a limited time. If you have these two requirements fulfilled, you can redeem the item you like. Add your mobile number and the address to redeem the item but if you have already added these to the profile, you can save time and redeem faster.

Once you redeem an item and claim it, you can’t redeem another item even though you have adequate points as it goes against the policy. Therefore you are given a specific period before you are eligible to redeem another item. 

You are required to fill in your personal details in order for us to reach out to you after you redeem an item to hand it over to you. It’s ideal that you enter all correct details at the time of registration or asap in order to redeem your favorite item conveniently. 

If you converted your account from personal to business unfortunately you cannot go back to a personal account.

There’s a meatball menu icon (3 horizontal dots) in the top right corner of every post on PlayPointz. If you feel like it goes against the PlayPointz standards you can click on the icon and report the post.